Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | earth | reckoner | sky OCR: ohn| 6:1 After these things Jesus John| 6:8 One of his disciples, Andrew Simon went over the sea of Galilee Peter's brother, saith unto him, which 1S [the sea] of Tiberias John| 6 There is - lad here which hath five John| 6:2 And multitude followed hirn, barley 1oa ves, and two small fishes but what because they saw his mitacles whi ch he did on are they among so many? them that were diseased John| 6:10 And Jesus said Make the men sit John| 6:3 And Jesus up into mountain down Now there was much grass in the place and there he sat with his disciples So the men sat down in number about five John 6:4 And the passover feast of the th ousand Jews was nigh John| 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves, and John| 6 When Jesus then lifted up [his] eyes when he had and the thanks, disciples he t.o distribut ...